October Sky (1999)

October Sky (1999)

Release Date : Feb. 19, 1999 | Rating ★★★★★★★★
Details : Based on the true story of Homer Hickam a coal miner's son who was inspired by the first Sputnik launch to take up rocketry against his father's wishes and eventually became a NASA scientist.
Duration : 1 Hour 42 Minutes
Cast and Crew :

Jake Gyllenhaal as Homer Hickam

Chris Cooper as John Hickam

Laura Dern as Miss Riley

Chris Owen as Quentin

William Lee Scott as Roy Lee

Chad Lindberg as O'Dell

Natalie Canerday as Elsie Hickam

Chris Ellis as Principal Turner

Elya Baskin as Ike Bykovsky

Terry Loughlin as Mr. Dantzler

Scott Miles as Jim Hickam | Randy Stripling as Leon Bolden | Courtney Cole-Fendley as Dorothy Platt | David Dwyer as Jake Mosby | Kaili Hollister as Valentine Carmina | Charles Lawlor as Un mineur | Executive Producer  : Peter Cramer | Producer  : Larry J. Franco | Director  : Joe Johnston |